Discord Server

What does this server offer?

Our server has an active community that talks on a daily!
We host online arenas on random days, and help everyone in the various tabs provided!


This is your main chat area! Many of our clubmates talk about their day, talk about some school topics, or even host online arenas and cool stuff! Come on and chat and try to talk to everyone!


This is your go-to are to ask anyone about the game's mechanics. Many of the pinned messages are amazing videos and documentation on how to get your game on!


This is where all speculation, leaks, and awesome reveals come to chat! We love to let everyone enjoy a great reaction reveal, but sometimes you can get too excited to not talk!

What else does it offer?

We also have a few bots with awesome features. We have a Twitter bot that posts
Nintendo's tweets, news, and the game director Masahiro Sakurai!
We also have a bot to make a custom digital Smash Bros ID!


You can easily make an ID with all your mains and all games! By typing ".profilehelp" you get a full instruction sent to your DMs on how to make your awesome badge!


Here we can view all of Masahiro Sakurai's tweets and his Pic of the Day! We love to emote and see all his amazing creative images.

#animal-crossing , #mariokart , and #fgc

We also have a tab dedicated to Animal Crossing, Mario Kart, as well as other fighting games (Street Fighter V, Soul Calibur VI, Tekken 7, etc.) if you like to expand upon these games!

Express yourself

We put in great effort in uploading and choosing emotes to help express the right emotion to help communicate effectively. :maxaffinity:

If you boost our server we will provide you with perks, such as free passes to events with fees, special priority in certain events, as well any club/server requests being fulfilled immediately!

Our Discord server was the main form of hosting events for the club during the year of Spring 2020-2021. Many of our club rules are still applied here, but it is our main way of communicating with members! Come join us!

Join the Server to Smash!