Latest News

Club Merch now available!

Thank you all for being patient in our order for club merchandise! We experienced many consequences, and have managed our way in providing you all as you have done to us!

This merch is provided and in support to those long term and supportive fans who have boosted our server, and maintained our club for a long time! If you're interested in owning, please support us in our perks provided and we will gladly support you in return!

We will be hosting our first compilation on Discord this Saturday (6/12), so please feel free to join us on this special occasion! Hope everyone is having a great summer, please come by this upcoming semester if possible! Go Smashers! (06/10/21)

Congratulations CSUMB's Class of 2022!

To all the new members and a reminder to the old ones, that you will all be welcomed to club even after graduation! Don't be shy to visit or participate in our events or meetings as alumni!

As for the non-graduates, the server will be still be active and be available for everyone to talk and engage! There will be no official club meetings or events during this time, and meetings will be physically held  potentially back in CSUMB!

Replay for Compilation due 5/7!

Compilation will now be in production!

I know this is a bit too late, but we are finalizing our compilation video very soon! We will proceed in our editing phase and start to cut our replays! Stay tuned! (05/06/21)

Email Reace ( if you would like to submit your replay for the future! Please ensure that it is a raw file from the SD card without music so we can incorporate it on our own at your request!