
Fall 2023 Officers

Bryanna Dormer


Hi otters! I’m currently pursuing a major in Computer Science with a concentration in Data Science. In my downtime, I love designing flower arrangements and reading. I'm so excited to have a role in the WICS club and can't wait to work together with all of you! :)

Achsah Jojo

Vice President

Hello, I’m Achsah Jojo, a sophomore doing computer science at CSUMB. I have been part of this club for about 2 years and I love helping out my community and being part of leadership. In my free time I love watching movies and currently I’m binge watching Suits.

LinkedIn profile

Personal Website

Sarah Wafa


Hey everyone! I'm Sarah and I'm a freshman majoring in Computer Science. I plan on majoring in Software Engineering. In my free time I enjoy painting and reading. I l also really enjoy watching horror movies. I am glad to have been able to have a position in the club and excited to help the community in any way I can.


Maitreyi Gharat


Hi otters! I’m currently pursuing a major in Computer Science with a concentration in Software Engineering. In my downtime, I love designing flower arrangements and baking sweets for my family. I'm so excited to be part of the WICS club and can't wait to work together with all of you!

Hello! I am currently pursuing a degree in Computer Science with a specialization in Software Engineering. Alongside my studies, I actively engage in volunteering opportunities within the technology sphere, particularly with esteemed organizations like IEEE, where I've dedicated several years of involvement. Outside of the tech realm, I harbor a deep passion for music and have pursued it formally through examinations with the Trinity College of London-Music.

My aspiration is to merge my dual passions for software development and music to make meaningful contributions to society.


Ann Jojo

Publicity Coordinator

Hey everyone! I'm Ann, the Publicity Coordinator for the Women in Computer Science club. I am currently a freshmen and am also in CS++ cohort. When I'm not coding, I will either be cooking, hitting the gym, or exploring different places in California. I am passionate about Computer science due to its endless possibilities with so many different industries to chose from and because of its impact on real people. As your Publicity Coordinator, I'm here to spread the word and invite more women (and everyone) to join the fun!

Former Officers

Delight Lee


Hi there! Before attending CSUMB, I volunteered as an instructional facilitator for the Girls Who Code program, a nonprofit organization dedicated to teaching middle and high school girls about technology and programming, thereby bridging the gender gap in the tech industry. Building on that experience, I now serve as the Women in Computer Science Club President, championing this cause among college students.

In my leisure time, I like to relax and unwind by spending time with my friends and family. I enjoy traveling with them and love exploring new places and trying new foods. Alongside my siblings, I actively practice karate as well with the goal of earning a black belt, inspired by my brother's achievements. And lately, I've developed a deep love for hiking, captivated by the serene beauty of nature and the sense of freedom it brings!

Andrea Sanchez


Hi everyone!  I'm pursuing a bachelor's degree in Computer Science through the CSin3 program. I previously served as the Publicity Coordinator for the Women in Computer Science club. When I'm not busy with assignments or work I enjoy painting, going on hikes, and exploring new places


Keyoni McNair

President (Spring 2022)

Hi there! My major is Computer Science with a concentration in Software Engineering. Fun facts about me, I own over 100 board games! I love research and would like to teach CS one day.


Mariana Duarte

Co-Founder and President (Fall 2020-Fall 2021)

I founded the Women in Computer Science club at CSUMB. I earned my bachelor's degree in Computer Science in Fall 2021. Currently, I am a graduate student pursuing my PhD in Computational Nuclear Engineering.


Instagram: @Duarte99

Maitreyi Gharat Profile

Maitreyi Gharat

Sarah Wafa Profile

Sarah Wafa

Ann Jojo Profile

Ann Jojo

Bryanna Dormer Profile

Bryanna Dormer

Achsah Jojo Profile

Achsah Jojo

Publicity Coordinator
Joshua Gross Profile

Joshua Gross
